Audio Note CD 3.1X / II
Welcome to the latest version of our long running and highly regarded Level Three integrated machine. The original CD3 was an instant classic, and is still loved and used by many discerning audiophiles around the world. This current version CD3.1X II brings the design right up to date, and dramatically improves on the previous incarnations in every possible area.
It has been specifically engineered for sonic performance rather than technical specification, and fulfils all Audio Note (UK) Level 1 criteria.
The in-house custom modified Philips front loading CD mechanism is designed purely to read true Red Book CD, which in our opinion is still the best possible Digital music format currently available.
The analogue output stage is equipped with the quite exceptional 6111WA miniature triode and our own in house designed and manufactured Audio Note (UK) copper foil capacitors. This player, like its bigger brothers, features no oversampling and no digital filtering.

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